Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ready for Number 2

As you can tell, one of us is expecting. There's a funny story behind the "testing process." We first started with a pregnancy test that was two bars if pregnant, one bar if not. Well, one bar was really bold and the second bar we could just barely see.

That's when we moved to a test that was a little more clear. Plus sign if pregnant, negative sign if not. This time a plus sign displayed, but it was still very light. We didn't want to get too excited until we knew for sure...

Jarrod: How can we know for sure?
Mandy: I don't know, I guess you could pee on it. (somewhat joking)
Jarrod: Good idea, I'll do it!
Mandy: Are you serious?
Jarrod: Ya, why not?

- Jarrod does his thing, comes out after waiting time and they both look -

Jarrod's test has a vague negative sign. Mandy's test has a vague positive sign.

PREGO! Now we can't wait to find out whether we are having a boy or a girl. Our baby and Ava will be about 22.5 months apart. Feeling very blessed and excited to grow our family.


ElyssaJK said...

Congrats! You are so cute and so are your babies. I'm so glad to hear you have another one a-baking.

Karalee said...

Mandy and Jarrod that is so exciting. Congratulations!

Vance & Amanda Williams said...

Wow!!! Congrats!! Thats awesome :)